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Useful SEO Plugins for WordPress

I have compiled a list of useful SEO plugins for WordPress. These best plugins increase your WordPress blog or site SEO and increase organic traffic. 

SEO Plugins For WordPress


It’s a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have.

This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.

All-in-One SEO Pack

Optimizes your WordPress blog or website for search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing and also improves search engine optimization of your site.

Google XML Sitemaps

This plugin will create a compliant XML sitemap of your WordPress website blog. It supports all WordPress-generated pages as well as custom ones.

SEO Super Comments

This plugin basically creates a new dynamic page on the blog for each user comment, holding the actual comment information. The page will not actually exist in the WordPress database, but we will create it dynamically using a WordPress plugin.

Robots Meta

By default search engines crawl and index all the pages on your blog. This isn’t ideal, because it creates duplicate content and you can get yourself punished by search engines without knowing it.

What the robots meta plugin allows you to do is tell the search engines which sections of your blog to crawl. This means that you’ll get more respect from search engines, and likely more traffic.

Optimal Title

The optimal title mirrors the function of the WordPress (wp) title exactly but moves the position of the 'separator' to after the title rather than before. This allows you to have your blog name tacked on to the end of the page title instead of having it appear first.

Search Meter

Search meter is an SEO-based WordPress plugin that will help you keep your blog tracked on what your visitors want to read. If you have a Search box installed on your blog, then this plugin will automatically record what people are searching for and whether they are finding what they are looking for.

SEO Title Tag

The SEO title tag makes it dead easy to optimize the title tags across your WordPress blog or website. Not just your posts, not just your home page, but any and every title tag on your site.

If this plugin, along with a few hours of keyword research and copywriting of optimized titles, doesn’t make a significant impact on your search traffic, you’re doing something wrong.

SEO Super Comments Plugin

This plugin basically creates a new dynamic page on the blog for each user comment, holding the actual comment information. The page will not actually exist in the WordPress database, but we will create it dynamically using this WordPress plugin.

SEO Friendly Images

SEO-friendly images is a WordPress optimization plugin that automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes. If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, SEO-friendly images will add them according to the options you set.

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