Bettas are wonderful fish for the beginner or advanced keeper. Being hardy, interactive, forgiving, and great companions are only a few of their positive attributes.
Other keepers utilize aquarium salt on an "as-needed basis" when transporting a new fish, or, for treating specific issues.
- Social and interactive
- Can jump out of their tanks
- Sleep and rest on plants (and shock you!)
- Males create surface bubbles to attract female egg layers
- Surface breathers
- Average Lifespan: 2-3 years
- One betta per set-up. Betta’s are territorial – though female round tails can co-habitat community tanks.
- When possible, it is best to have your tank or bowl set up before bringing your new betta home.
- Rinse your tank/bowl, gravel, and accessories well. Do not use any type of cleaner including soap. If necessary, you can dissolve aquarium salt in warm water and use this to soak and scrub out the tank or bowl. This is advised if the set-up was used by another betta fish.
- Consider using aquarium salt in your first water set-up to offset stress-related reactions.
- Fill a container with enough water to fill the tank/bowl. Make sure the water isn’t too cold. Add water conditioner (a de-chlorinator) and fill your tank/bowl.
- Allow the water to come to room temperature.
- Float your betta in its travel bag in the water for 10 minutes and release.
- Place your betta in an area that protects it from direct heat, sun, or cold, but in an area where he/she can have interaction. They are social and curious.
- Feed your betta fish two times per day following the manufacturer's directions.
- Feed your betta by adding pellets one at a time and watching to see how many they are actively eating. Don’t over or underfeed. Generally, most betta fishes will eat an average of 4-8 pellets per day.
- Partial water changes are recommended every 5-7 days with a full water change every 10-14 days. This is also dependent on the tank/bowl that is used to house your betta fish. Partial water changes allow for reducing ammonia and nitrate wastes. Even though your water may look clean, it can have high levels of ammonia.
- A partial water change means that you remove ¼ of the water from the tank/bowl and replace it with fresh dechlorinated water that has come to room temperature before being added.
- A full tank/bowl clean will mean following the same steps as a set-up. However, you’ll be removing your betta fish from the tank/bowl using a net or a cup and placing it in a holding container. Remember to add a portion of the water your betta fish was kept in during cleaning. This water does have beneficial bacteria present in it that contributes to a healthy bowl/tank.
- As tropical fish, betta's do not respond well when their water temperatures are too cold. Keep them protected from drafts and cold temperatures by placing them in warmer areas. Consider a betta bowl pad heater during the colder winter months. Complications from colds can reduce their immune system and make them susceptible to fungus.
- Betta vacation food is available for absent feeding.
Other keepers utilize aquarium salt on an "as-needed basis" when transporting a new fish, or, for treating specific issues.